Thursday, January 7, 2021

Refilming the short film

 When editing the film, I noticed that a few of the scenes we needed to re-film. Some of them got cut off or we were talking too fast or the sound wasn't that good so re-filming would get us the quality that we wanted to make our film as good as we could make it. Luckily for us, all the scenes that needed to be re-filmed had to be done at Joaquina's house. When preparing to go to Joaquina's house, we all had to make sure that we put on the exact same outfits and looked as similar as we could to the first day we filmed. We did not want to mess up and have different outfits and make the film confusing when scenes from the same day had different outfits on. We had to re-film the scene of Jade, Cassidy, and Paige on the bed talking. When we originally filmed this scene, we were talking too fast and not loud enough so we couldn't hear it well. We re-filmed this scene and we tried to make it look more natural. We re-did it twice and then watched them both to make sure you could hear us. We also had to re-film Cassidy and Jade in the bathroom. We accidentally cut the scenes off too short. We had to re-do the scenes and film them a few seconds before and after we started talking. They did this because when I was putting the scenes together some of the scene got cut off so we wanted to make sure that none of our talking got cut off. It was annoying that we had to re-do some of the scenes because they were really good and the acting was perfect but we didn't want any talking to be cut off, so we did it. We were worried that if the talking was cut off that the film wouldn't be as easy to understand and we wanted everything to be clear. We also re-filmed the end scene where the girls are about to kiss. We did not have to re-film this scene but we did it just in case. The first time we filmed, when we were filming this scene, the girls kept laughing. We wanted to re-film it just in case the scene ended with them laughing accidentally. After we re-filmed, I put in all of these scenes and the movie was almost done. I am finishing some final touches and then the movie will be done and I'm so excited to see the final product. I can't wait for you to see it too!

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