Monday, October 28, 2019


We went outside to film the last bit of our commercial. We filmed Macy walking towards the camera and catching the Gatorade bottle from off screen saying “After my game I love to take a nice refreshing sip of Gatorade”. We also needed a sound of the Gatorade cap cracking open. So we went into the shed at the field and recorded sound of the Gatorade bottle opening. At the beginning of the class we were informed that pinnacle Studios was not functioning properly, we tried dumping our footage. Our teacher kept saying to try again. We did as instructed and still couldn’t get it to work, we called for help and the teacher couldn’t dump the footage either. With dumping, we had to extract our footage from Adrianas phone to the computer and import it into pinnacle studios. What we are going to do for the editing process is add color correction, Crowd sound effects, audio of a soccer ball being kicked and other effects. The title of this blog can be misleading, there was no editing actually completed in class. The editing software we are supposed to use, pinnacle studios, was not working. This made it very difficult for us, because we didn’t know what should be re-videoed since we didn’t get to lay out our footage. However, it did make it so we had an extra day to finish our ending-clips for the commercial project. At the end of our commercial, I have to say a statement and then catch a bottle of Gatorade. This is the part that we filmed today. Everything worked out better today than last class. The weather was clear and there were very few people outside since most had already finished filming. This made it easier to get the right shot and we had to take much fewer takes than last class. We believe we got the right clip for the video. I like the way it looks and you can clearly hear Macy’s voice even though it was kind of windy outside. This might change whether we voiceover the whole commercial or not. For the actual taping of the video, Macy put on on her soccer uniform on top of her school clothes to save some time. We then only did the scenes we knew we needed more filming for. This allowed us to still have time to finish this blog when we got back to class. For these clips As soon as after Macy says the word Gatorade, I tossed a Gatorade bottle to her. This adds a cooler feeling through Macy saying “Gatorade”. For most of the videos, we had to retake them because my tossing of the bottle was not perfected for a good amount of time. When tossing the bottle, I had to do it from the right angle so my arm wouldn’t get in the shot. They also had to make sure that the bottle was up-right and down so that Macy could easily catch it. This process took a while to perfect but we eventually got it. The clip we took today I believe was *the one*. Macy caught the bottle without looking to the side and said her line with a good pronunciation. Next class we will hopefully begin the editing process.

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